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My newest camera & images

Something has been eating my pineapple plants.

Not the pineapples themselves, because we've already harvested for this year. But the thick, prickly leaves.

Sometimes, the plants are completely uprooted and moved as well. They normally have 2ft long spiky fronds, and many have been nibbled down to just a few inches from the ground.

We bought a trail camera recently and decided to set it up pointing towards the problem pineapples to see if we could pinpoint the culprit.

My learning curve has just begun with this little camera. I have to learn what the infrared flash distance is and how best to use it, and what the field of view is. There's a video option and other things to explore. I've been looking forward to getting pictures of something other than myself trying to set it up, and my dogs walking around the yard and, um, 'watering' the banana trees. (Oh, Hiro......)

Trail Camera1
Trail Camera

(And just so you don't think we're a bunch of spoiled, tropical-living, pineapple-growing brats, check out the temp stamp on this pic. Brrrrr. That's Hiro's glowing eyes in the background.)


In the two weeks since setting this up, I now know who is eating the pineapple plants.

It's this guy, and he visits quite often. He was caught multiple times hanging out and snacking. He clearly doesn't give a crap about my harvest next year.

Trail Camera 2

But as I scrolled through the pics, things got interesting! Look who showed up one night this week - a bobcat!

.....check out the time stamp, 9:51pm. Earlier than I would have expected him to be hanging in my yard.

Trail Camera 3

bobcat on trail cam north port florida

Then we catch him again at 11:23pm.....oh hi, beautiful!

bobcat on trail cam north port florida

And this is the series I love.  Mr. Bunny is in the area again at 11:32pm but he is not alone.....

bobcat on trail cam north port florida

bobcat on trail cam north port florida

bobcat on trail cam north port florida

I love the alert body language in this one.

bobcat on trail cam north port florida

But the bunny did escape - at least this time - because I have him about 45 minutes later hanging around in the pineapples again :/

bobcat on trail cam north port florida

I will update on this saga as things unfold.  I'm looking forward to seeing what else lurks in my woods at night!

P.S.  I love pineapples. So much. Everything about them. I love how the fruit looks and tastes and I could probably eat an entire pineapple by myself in a sitting. Ok actually I have. Don't judge. There's pineapple decor in my house. My next tattoo will be a pineapple. One of the first prints I added to my shop when I opened was this pineapple print - which happens to be the very first pineapple we grew and harvested in our yard. I WILL protect the pineapples :D

Pineapple Print by Catch A Star Fine Art

Categories: Behind the scenes